USP acknowledges Sami-Sabinsa for reference standards contributions

Published: 5-Jul-2024

Sabinsa, a global leader in the nutraceutical and cosmeceutical industries, was recognised by the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) for providing candidate documentary and reference standards that assisted USP in reaching important milestones in 2023

USP’s Certificate of Appreciation also acknowledged Sabinsa's outstanding contributions towards global public health though the advancement of USP standards.

The Sami-Sabinsa Group, which has been working with USP for more than 20 years on projects related to reference standards, has been a consistent source for USP of reference standards for the herbal industry, including all the three actives of Curcuminoids.
Reference standards are meticulously characterised substances utilised to assess the identity, potency, quality, and purity of dietary supplement and active pharmaceutical ingredients. They are the most critical requirement of any quantitative or qualitative analysis, without which one cannot provide a standardised product.

“The Sami-Sabinsa Group manufactures and promotes standardised products with innovative molecules worldwide and understands the requirements when it comes to testing such molecules,” said Asha Ramesh, CEO of Sabinsa US. “We stepped up in providing unmatched quality reference standards to USP, a worldwide accepted, independent scientific nonprofit organisation which is focused on building trust in the supply of safe, high-quality ingredients for dietary supplements.”

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