What consumers want: fuelling flavour innovation in functional beverages

Published: 24-Dec-2024

As consumers seek to improve their health and well-being with their diet — without having to change their habits — interest in functional beverages is set to continue reports Chris Whiting, European Category Development Manager at Synergy Flavours

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With the market expected to grow at 7.49% between 2024 and 2029, functional beverages provide on-the-go options for consumers seeking added health benefits without the need for significant dietary changes.1

Taste and enjoyment are critical to attract consumers to these products and encourage repeat purchase. 

Synergy Flavours has recently conducted extensive research to explore consumer preferences and identify untapped opportunities in the functional beverage market.

What consumers want: fuelling flavour innovation in functional beverages

More than 5000 respondents, which included an even split of male and female consumers from around the world between the ages of 18 and 65+, were surveyed through the consumer research platform VYPR.

Participants were asked to confirm which functional beverage products they either used or were interested in using.

Responses were split by demographic profile to identify trends in usage and respondents were also asked to highlight preferred flavours in products for the functionality they had expressed interest in.

The research identified nine key health benefits or “need states:” energy, gut health, immunity, protein, brain health, skin health, hydration, female nutrition and healthy ageing.

The findings revealed the flavour priorities of health-conscious consumers for these need states and identified key opportunities for flavour innovation. 

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