PharmaLinea launch novel products for joint pain, hydration and blood glucose

Published: 30-May-2024

The company has launched >Your< Arthro Ease Capsules for joint pain, >Your< Hydramin Sticks for efficient hydration and >Your< Prediabetiq Orosticks for blood glucose management

PharmaLinea, a private-label food supplements manufacturer, launched a new generation of supplements addressing joint pain and mobility, hydration and blood glucose management.


New product lines and formats

At their virtual launch on June 6th, PharmaLinea will present:

  • a new product line addressing joint pain and mobility: >Your< Arthro Ease Capsules
  • a new product line for hydration: >Your< Hydramin Sticks
  • new additions to one of their most successful product lines: >Your< Prediabetiq Orosticks for adults and >Your< Prediabetiq Orosticks for children

>Your< Arthro Ease Capsules

>Your< Arthro Ease Capsules are a clinically supported solution for joint pain relief and ease of movement. 

Joint health is an established dietary supplement category. However, the market is currently experiencing a renaissance with new, advanced ingredients. Products addressing joint pain, such as Haleon’s PanaNatra, are seeing high commercial success.

With this in mind, PharmaLinea designed a next-generation formulation for multimodal tissue regeneration, highly effective at a low dose.

"Three clinical trials on the finished product show a significant reduction of pain, discomfort, swelling, stiffness and restoration of joint functionality. The results show a 92% higher decrease in knee osteoarthritis pain severity in patients with stage II-III primary osteoarthritis of the knee joint after two months with >Your< Arthro Ease Capsules when compared to placebo," commented Maja Orešnik, Science & Research Director at PharmaLinea.


>Your< Hydramin Sticks

Recently, campaigns and social media have propelled hydration from sports-only to a booming mainstream product category. The category has seen a surge in growth, and leaders are utilising the trend by expanding into general wellbeing, energy, focus and active lifestyle.

>Your< Hydramin Sticks are designed to enable smart, clean and efficient hydration without added sugars.

"The product is based on AminoAbsorb, PharmaLinea's proprietary hydration technology. The technology utilises amino acid cotransport pathways to enhance rapid absorption of water and electrolytes. In doing so, it enables more efficient hydration without using sugar, like most products," explained Ambrožič.


>Your< Prediabetiq Orosticks

PharmaLinea has also decided to expand its >Your< Prediabetiq Line with a stick format for children or adults. The products in the line are designed to support balanced blood glucose levels.

"Direct sticks with orodispersible powder provide a better user experience. The orostick format offers more versatility, as it can be used directly or mixed with any liquids or meals and is appropriate for various consumer groups. Our R&D managed to achieve a caramel or orange taste, which is especially important for the youngest consumers." Commented Ambrožič.

>Your< Prediabetiq Orosticks are a clinically supported private label food supplement for an immediate improvement of glycemic response that can be measured in real-time. They are formulated with patented, awarded and clinically studied ingredients to achieve balanced blood glucose and reduced insulin resistance.

The formulation is synergistically designed to improve glycemic response through two mechanisms: reducing post-meal blood glucose levels on one hand and improving insulin efficacy and sensitivity on the other. 

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