Food and nutraceutical consultants Nutrikéo and ProtéinesXTC join forces

Published: 20-Jan-2025

The two companies will now provide scientific, marketing, communications and development expertise to the nutraceutical and food industries

Nutrikéo and ProtéinesXTC have joined forces to offer the European food and nutrition industries a comprehensive consulting service.

The two companies will combine their marketing, communications and strategy development expertise to assist their clients in the food, nutraceutical, agriculture and cosmetics industries. 

They will offer an integrated approach to consulting, with the new body being able to support companies from idea to execution.

According to the companies, they can also offer scientific consulting services, as well as crisis prevention and management. 

Under the terms of the merger, both Nutrikéo and ProtéinesXTC will retain its original name and geography, with the former and latter being located in Paris and Bordeaux, respectively.

The companies will also retain their original clients, though they will work in tandem with novel clients to develop their food and nutrition businesses.

Grégory Dubourg, Founder and CEO of Nutrikéo, will take a leading role in the new group, though operational management will be conducted by Antoine Mercier for ProtéinesXTC and Grégory Dubourg for Nutrikéo.

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