Kori Krill Oil launches Omega-3 gummies

Published: 23-Sep-2022

The supplement supports heart, brain, joint, eyes, skin and immune health and comes available in several flavours

Kori Krill Oil has launched Kori Krill Oil Gummies – the first Krill Oil gummy that delivers Omega-3s in its most natural phospholipid form for superior absorption. 

This breakthrough multi-benefit Omega-3 supplement supports heart, brain, joint, eyes, skin and immune health and comes available in several flavours.

The launch of Kori Krill Oil Gummies opens a pathway for more consumers to reap the superior benefits of krill oil for overall health, breaking the barrier to entry for those who do not prefer to swallow pills. A consumer research report published in 2020 found that younger consumers prefer consuming gummy vitamins over pills due to factors such as busier lifestyles, rising disposable incomes, growing awareness regarding preventive healthcare measures, and maintaining better health.

This is the first gummy developed with powerful 100% Antarctic krill oil. We're excited to be the first to crack the code on balancing the natural properties of a marine based ingredient with the right taste profile so that we can provide both utility and enjoyment that consumers expect from gummies.

"The overall health benefits that krill oil can provide to the body are extraordinary, and there's no reason someone should miss out on this superior nutrient intake because they don't like to swallow pills or are already taking too many," said Nancy Chan, CEO of Epion Brands, the maker of Kori Krill Oil. "As we continue to introduce innovative products, we strive to make health simple by helping our consumers reach their nutrition goals with an alternative Omega-3 product that makes taking daily supplements easy and enjoyable. Gummies are a beloved format in supplements and certainly there are Omega-3 gummies available today made from fish oil."

Chan continued: "This is the first gummy developed with powerful 100% Antarctic krill oil. We're excited to be the first to crack the code on balancing the natural properties of a marine based ingredient with the right taste profile so that we can provide both utility and enjoyment that consumers expect from gummies."

The Kori Krill Oil Gummies are made from certified sustainable non-GMO krill oil, have no artificial flavour or colouring, and contain 125mg of krill oil per 2 gummies.

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