Kaneka's Ubiquinol wins NutraIngredients Asia's Healthy Ageing Ingredient of the Year Award

Published: 19-Sep-2024

The multi-purpose nutraceutical can offer as a comprehensive solution for healthy ageing, helping to support cardiovascular and mitochondrial health, while also aiding cognition

Kaneka's Ubiquinol has won the Healthy Ageing Ingredient of the Year award at the NutraIngredients Asia award ceremony this year.

The awards scheme acknowledges and celebrates notable innovations and products in the nutraceutical field.

Ubiquinol is supported by 100+ studies and more than 80 global patents, and is designed to support mitochondrial, cardiovascular and women's health, while also offering benefits for cognition and energy in healthy ageing.

The NutraIngredients Asia Awards places specific focus on tailored nutraceutical solutions that can help consumers stay physically and mentally healthy during the ageing process, while also offering brands networking and exposure opportunities.

The Regional Head of William Reed Business Media and Editor-in-Chief of NutraIngredients Asia, Gary Scattergood, commented: "We are highly impressed by the product's reliability, its potential to support multiple health benefits and the substantial clinical evidence backing the ingredient."

Kaneka's Head of Marketing and Sales for the APAC Supplement Division, Tsuyoshi Takakuwa, added: “This award is a testament to decades of research by our R&D scientists into the essential role of Kaneka Ubiquinol in supporting mitochondrial health, cardiovascular health and healthy ageing, and our manufacturing teams who are dedicated to the best-in-class precision manufacturing to ensure consistency and reliability for millions of healthcare practitioners and consumers around the globe,” 

“The 100+ studies supporting Ubiquinol outline the intricate connection between mitochondrial health, powered by the endogenous antioxidant Ubiquinol, and longevity, underscoring the critical role of mitochondrial function in cellular energy production, oxidative stress regulation and metabolic efficiency, which are fundamental determinants of healthspan and healthy ageing.” 


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