Strawberries could reduce cardiovascular disease risk by 8x, study finds

Published: 26-Jul-2024

The study has found that eating a portion of strawberries daily can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, while also reducing the narrowing of arteries

A novel study from the Illinois Institute of Technology has highlighted the heart health benefits that strawberries can have. 

The study, which focused on the effects of strawberry consumption on cardiovascular health and blood glucose control was presented at the annual American Society for Nutrition meeting.


Determining the benefits of strawberry consumption

Researchers at the Institute investigated the effects of strawberry fruit intake on both glucose control and endothelial function, specifically focusing on how this affected the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD).

It included a cohort of 68 people aged between 20 and 62 years, with a BMI of 9.8±4.8 kg/m2

The impacts of strawberry intake on fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD) were measured, as well as how the FMD response associated with the risk of cardiovascular disease. 


Cardiovascular disease risk slashed

Researchers found that eating strawberries every day for four weeks resulted in a reduction of cardiovascular disease by 8x compared to placebo.

This was through the influence of FMD%, and was dose-respondent, with a higher intake increasing the beneficial impact of strawberry consumption.

"A diet low in fruit is among the top three risk factors for cardiovascular disease and diabetes,” said co-author Britt Burton-Freeman, professor at the Illinois Institute of Technology. “Adding as little as one cup of strawberries a day to your diet may show beneficial effects on your cardiovascular health.” 


Strawberry extracts for heart health

This finding suggests that strawberries can have a significant impact on heart health, which could promote the use of strawberry extracts in dietary supplements focusing on this wellness aspect. 

Strawberries are popular and accessible in a wide range of locations globally, and a serving of eight strawberries has the ability to fulfil the daily recommended value of vitamin C.

They also carry a host of other nutrients and are available all year round. 

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