Reg tech disruptor targets stateside expansion to help US food brands grow

Published: 11-Sep-2024

A fast-growing regulatory tech disruptor is taking its revolutionary service enabling food brands to unlock international markets to the United States

Rubicon Bridge’s pioneering Reg Tech Tool cuts through the complex regulatory barriers that can prevent food and food supplement brands from taking their products into overseas markets.

The challenging nature of regulations in the food and food supplements industries means it often takes businesses months to check if a single product is compliant with the regulatory requirements in a new country. With Rubicon Bridge’s Reg Tech Tool, that process is slashed to a matter of minutes.

The technology already opens doors to ecommerce markets in nine countries in Europe. 

Rubicon Bridge founder and Managing Director, Kathryn Brown, said: “By combining our team’s decades of experience and expertise in regulation with our unique Reg Tech Tool, we offer an unrivalled solution.”

“Our unique technology enables brands to slice through the red tape and replace the time-consuming manual process of checking product compliance with a super-fast digital solution.”

“Ensuring regulatory compliance with new markets often prevents expansion into new countries and severely hinders business growth. Our Reg Tech Tool opens up these markets and the huge commercial opportunities they offer.”

“As a fully automated process, it also ensures accuracy, removes the potential for human error and avoids the risk, cost and reputational damage from inaccurate labelling and product recalls.

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“We’re rapidly opening up markets across Europe and see huge potential in helping US-based food brands to grow globally, building on our existing relationship with Amazon.”

Rubicon Bridge launched the Reg Tech Tool as a commercial product in May 2023. The first group of geographies served were the UK, France, Germany, Spain, Italy and the Netherlands, with Sweden, Poland and the Republic of Ireland added to the portfolio in July this year.

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