Nutegrity to offer organic cocoa extract CocoaNol

Published: 30-Sep-2014

US supplier of dietary supplements has agreed a partnership with Theo Innovations

Nutegrity is now offering CocoaNol, an organic cocoa extract standardised to 10% natural cocoa polyphenols.

The US supplier of dietary supplements is able to offer the chocolate extract through a partnership with Theo Innovations, a division of Theo Chocolate, based in Seattle.

'CocoaNol aligns nicely with our existing portfolio of signature antioxidants,' said Matt Phillips, Chief Commercial Officer at Nutegrity. 'The potential health benefits of cocoa polyphenols have been under investigation for more than a century and now we are able to deliver those health benefits in a new and exciting way.'

CocoaNol is said to contain the highest concentration of epicatechins to total catechins of any chocolate product on the market. Although many different polyphenols are present in dark chocolate, emerging research has identified epicatechin as the primary cocoa flavonol linked to the health benefits of dark chocolate.

'Our direct relationship with our cocoa bean suppliers has allowed Theo to establish a proprietary process that ensures the highest antioxidant activity in our raw material compared with chocolate sourced elsewhere,' said Stefan Wypyszyk, Vice President of Theo Innovations.

'Our commitment to full transparency, traceability and sustainability is shared by Nutegrity and we are pleased to be partnering with them to deliver this chocolate extract to an expanding customer base.'

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