Apple mint leaf extract found to have skin brightening capabilities in recent study

Published: 3-Sep-2024

The ingredient brightened the skin of 99 participants by 16%, while also reducing the production of melanin and reducing the prevalence of dark spots

MintyBright Nu by Mibelle Biochemistry has been proven to enhance skin brightness and evenness in a recent study.

The apple mint leaf extract, which was specifically designed for Arab and Asian consumers looking to lighten their skin complexion, was found to significantly reduce melanation in participants.

This was determined through a 12 week study involving 99 women, who received a daily dose of MintyBright Nu every day.

The nutraceutical also brightened the skin by 16% on the ITA° scale compared to placebo, while also improving participants’ skin tone evenness. 

MintyBright Nu, according to Mibelle, is high in anti-oxidative flavonoids — a group of naturally-occurring chemicals that have been proven to reduce the production of melanin.

These functional molecules can also promote the expression of genes associated with the combatting of oxidative stress, meaning they may be able to reduce the presence of dark spots.

The beauty from within ingredient will be available as a water-soluble powder, and can be incorporated into a range of formats, including capsules, powders, jelly sticks and liquids. 

The nutraceutical will be showcased at the upcoming Vitafoods Asia exhibition, so industry members can sample the novel ingredient. 

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