Designed specifically for the event, these unique recipes will highlight how the latest ingredient innovations can help food and beverage manufacturers develop and formulate great-tasting zero sugar and high-protein plant-based foods and beverages.
Ingredion’s senior culinologist will be at the stand to prepare a no added sugar, vegan ready-to-drink powder protein shake, which is formulated with pea and faba bean proteins and concentrates from Ingredion’s VITESSENCE Pulse and soon to be launched VITESSENCE Prista ranges.
Its uniquely mild sensory profile will be derived fromthe fact that VITESSENCE Prista does not have a plant flavour, bitter taste or uncontrolled microbial levels, which are often inherent in dry-milled pulse products. The protein shake will be sweetened with PureCircle by Ingredion’s high purity stevia and ERYSTA C100 Erythritol for sweetness without the calories.
Visitors to Ingredion’s stand will also be able to try a great tasting high protein vegan energy bar, formulated with Ingredion’s VITESSENCE Pulse 1803 Pea protein, which provides a higher protein content compared with protein concentrates and enables a "high protein" claim without compromising on taste and shelf-life stability.
The high in protein vegan energy bar will also be formulated with Ingredion by PureCircle NSF-04, a natural flavour modifier that rounds the flavour profile and reduces aftertaste of non-caloric sweeteners.
Sue Bancroft, PureCircle by Ingredion's Beverages Category Lead, says: “The health and wellness trend is a key driver that has opened up new mainstream product development opportunities as consumers increasingly look for food and beverages that offer functional health and lifestyle benefits."
"As a result, there is a growing volume of consumers seeking to try food and beverage products with claims such as reduced-sugar and/or no added sugar claims, protein enriched and plant-based."
“The consumer demand for foods and beverages that support their burgeoning health and wellness goals present a significant opportunity for food and beverage manufacturers to tap into this leading trend, but without sacrificing the taste and texture consumers know and love."
"Our team of experts will be on hand to guide visitors through the latest consumer insights and their own individual reformulation challenges, looking at how the latest ingredient innovations from Ingredion can help to deliver food and beverage products with consumer-preferred ideal taste, texture, nutritional appeal and functionality.”