Grontvedt looks to boost Omega-3 index by 50%

Published: 3-Oct-2023

Grontvedt Biotech has unveiled a new branded ingredient backed by an Omega-3 index study, conducted on a CET03 group and a fish oil group

Grøntvedt Biotech’s branded ingredient CETO3 (trademarked), which is a marine Omega-11 & Omega-3 product, has been found to boost the body’s own production of EPA/DHA with as much as 50% according to an Omega-3 index pilot study done in the UK. 

The Omega-3 index study was conducted on a CET03 group and a fish oil group, each taking 2 x 1000 mg capsules per day for 12 weeks. The fish oil group took 50% more EPA/DHA than the CET03 group. The test kits used were from Omegaquant Analytics with samples being analysed by their partner lab at the University of Sterling.

CETO3 contains high levels of Omega-11, also known as Cetoleic acid. Early studies on Omega-11 have found to stimulate the body’s own production of EPA/DHA converting it from ALA.

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The Omega-3 index study found that CETO3 - Omega-11 ability to stimulate the body’s own production of EPA/DHA with 50% compared to the fish oil group. While some participants left the Fish oil group due to unpleasant reflux, none of the participant left the CETO3 group.

Bill Harris, PhD, Founder of Omegaquant Analytics, said: “This study suggests that combining cetoleic acid (Omega-11) with EPA and DHA may be a novel way to boost Omega-3 Index levels.”

Stig Jansson, CINO in Grøntvedt Biotech, said: “This is the first study done on CETO3 - Omega-11 effect. The increase of Omega-3 index indicates the unique effect of Omega-11, furthermore the immediate processing, which we do with CETO3, gives added consumer value with no unpleasant fishy reflux.”

It will be a point of differentiation for innovative nutraceutical brands and increase efficacy for consumers with its internal boost effect of Omega-3

- Henrik Traaholt, Chief Commercial Officer at Grøntvedt Biotech

Grøntved Biotech has firsthand access to raw materials which are key moving forward to develop new innovations to the nutraceutical market. Omega-11 is a true innovation supported by promising science, and more to come. Norwegian Seafood research fund, have 7 different studies ongoing today to further document the health benefits of Cetoleic acid also known as Omega-11.

“Our CETO3- Omega-11 and omega-3 ingredient brings something innovative to the Omega space. It will be a point of differentiation for innovative nutraceutical brands and increase efficacy for consumers with its internal boost effect of Omega-3,” said Henrik Traaholt, Chief Commercial Officer in Grøntvedt Biotech. 

Grøntvedt's unique set up with fresh fish produced to oil in less than 30 minutes, enables Grøntvedt Biotech to optimise the CETO3 product with unique sensory qualities which broadens the applications for usages from capsules to liquid formulation. High Omega-11 is only found in North Atlantic pelagic fish.

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