Food-approved chondroitin sulfate available from ZPD

Published: 16-Feb-2015

ZPD A/S is a producer of chondroitin sulfate for the food, pharmaceutical, veterinary and beauty industries

Danish company ZPD A/S, part of Zeria Pharmaceuticals, is a producer of chondroitin sulfate. With a strong focus on traceability, ingredient quality and customer commitment, the company supplies product to the food, pharmaceutical, veterinary and beauty industries.

A main player in the Japanese pharmaceutical industry, GMP-certified ZPD has been developing and producing chondroitin sulfate for 15 years and, serving customers in Asia, Europe and North/South America, is one of the few suppliers in the world to benefit from food approval status. As such specific needs and requirements can be addressed on a global basis, and customized solutions are available.

Having worked closely with the Danish food authorities, the recently acquired food approval qualification allows ZPD to serve the food and supplement industry with chondroitin sulfate produced in Denmark.

'Ensuring very high levels of traceability and quality is a must,' said a ZPD representative, 'to be able to deliver the most qualified chondroitin sulfate available.' Martin Larkenas, Chief Commercial Officer, added: 'Unfortunately, illegal products are still being imported into the EU; but, we hope that our food approved product will be a deterrent to these activities.'

ZPD supplies a variety of grades (USP, JP and EP) and strengths, offering a high degree of flexibility regarding specific applications and product development options. Plus, the company is always looking to improve its portfolio and work on new applications and products. 'We have developed yoghurt with added chondroitin,' said Martin, 'so consumers can start the day with a healthy dairy product — getting both nutrients and an active ingredient that may help with joint-related discomfort.'

'We hope that the food industry will welcome our Danish food-approved chondroitin sulfate and that, as a company, we can play a role in setting the standards for what is right and wrong in a fragmented industry,' he added.

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