Cytoplan launches omega-3 antioxidant formula

Published: 21-Feb-2022

CoQ10 (Coenzyme Q10) is a nutrient which is synthesised in every cell and is important for processes in the body, including those involved in energy production and protection

Cytoplan has introduced an omega-3 protective supplement designed to support cardiovascular health, brain function and cellular health. Omega Protect + CoQ10 contains DHA and EPA from natural algae, and combines these with plant phytonutrients including oregano, rosemary and grapeseed oils.

The supplement is free from soy, dairy, added sugar, wheat and contains no artificial flavouring or colourings, suitable for vegans and contained within Cytoplan’s plastic-free pots.

CoQ10 (Coenzyme Q10) is a nutrient which is synthesised in every cell and is important for processes in the body, including those involved in energy production and protection.

Amanda Williams; CEO of Cytoplan who launched Omega Protect + CoQ10 this month said: “Essential Fatty Acids EPA and DHA contribute to the maintenance of normal blood pressure and function of the heart. As we age, our natural capacity to produce CoQ10 declines and without adequate CoQ10, our cells cannot function properly.

“With Omega Protect we have combined both essential Omega 3 fatty acids with CoQ10 and a rich collection of powerful plant oils to deliver a sustainable, potent and protective formula to support heart health, cellular ageing, and brain function.

“We’ve taken care to ensure it is created with the highest quality standards and a clean and sustainable source of microalgae. The formula is also bioactive; which means it is well absorbed and utilised by the body too. Rosemary, oregano and grapeseed oils along with Astaxanthin provide a wealth of flavonoids and phenolic acids to deliver powerful cellular protection for all ages.”

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