Caloric reduction versus nutrient needs: a critical opportunity for brands in weight management

By Kevin Robinson | Published: 13-Dec-2024

Dr Kevin Robinson spoke to Dr Eric Ciappio, Strategic Development Manager, Nutrition Science at Balchem Human Nutrition and Health, to explore the latest science in this space and the role nutrition brands can play to support consumers on their journey to better health

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Weight management is top of mind for many, with research showing that 30% of consumers worldwide made changes to their diet in the past year to lose weight and 60% of Americans are actively trying to shed pounds.1,2

But this comes with a caution: cutting calories can reduce essential nutrient intake, potentially compromising overall health.

New research in the US has spotlighted a critical but often overlooked risk in weight loss: caloric reduction can exacerbate nutrient inadequacies among adults who are overweight or obese.3

The study, published in The Journal of Nutrition, showed that after a stimulated 30% caloric reduction, a staggering 75–91% of the participants fell below the estimated average requirement (EAR) for essential nutrients such as vitamin A, calcium and magnesium.

And with so many people striving to lose pounds, the key question is: how can manufacturers help to address this issue and promote healthier weight management? 

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