Ubiquinol can alleviate menopausal symptoms, consumer study finds

Published: 22-May-2024

The study revealed that 8 out of 10 menopausal women experienced reduces stress, irritability and sensitivity after consuming ubiquinol for two months

Kaneka Nutrients Europe, a manufacturer of nutritional ingredients for the nutraceutical, food and beverage industries, has unveiled the results of a new consumer research study exploring the effects of Kaneka Ubiquinol supplementation in alleviating menopause symptoms.

The findings revealed that after two months of supplementation, almost 80% of participants experienced the effects of Kaneka Ubiquinol in alleviating symptoms – particularly the psychological and emotional benefits.  


The study

The study was carried out by French research institute Expansion Consulteam earlier this year in collaboration with French lifestyle influencers Virginie Florin and Nathalie Simon, who helped to recruit 200 female participants aged between 45-55 years.

The inclusion criteria were women who were experiencing menopausal discomfort (above 5 based on a scale of 1 to 10) including: emotional imbalance, impact on quality of life (stress, sleep), muscle aches and pains. The non-inclusion criteria were women on hormone treatment, non-drug therapy (sophrology, meditation, acupuncture) and those taking food supplements for menopause, herbal medicine, homeopathy, medicine or topical therapy. 

Participants were asked to take a 200mg/day dosage of Kaneka Ubiquinol over a two-month time frame, monitor the effects and report back on their observations before, during and after the supplementation period.

In the first baseline questionnaire, at Q0 before ubiquinol supplementation had started, there was a high prevalence and intensity of menopausal symptoms among the participants. Poor skin quality (94%), sleep disturbances (90%) and stress/anxiety (85%) stood out as the most frequently reported symptoms.  


The results

The findings revealed that 8 out of 10 participants found Kaneka Ubiquinol to be effective in alleviating symptoms - with 80% reporting reduced stress, irritability and sensitivity after consuming 200mg of Kaneka Ubiquinol over a two-month period.1

What’s more, 80% of participants reported an improvement in mood and feeling “more emotionally stable” within thirty days of supplementation and 70% reported a better quality of sleep, less muscular pain and improved wellbeing by the end of the study period.2

8 out of 10 participants said they would recommend it as a solution for other women experiencing menopause 

When asked to report on the efficacy of Kaneka Ubiquinol, 76% of participants said they felt the effects of supplementation after 30 days, and 8 out of 10 participants said they would recommend it as a solution for other women experiencing menopause.3  

These promising results provide strong evidence to support the efficacy – and marketability – of Kaneka Ubiquinol to address symptoms of the menopause. This presents an exciting new opportunity for brands looking to tap into the growing women’s health market, demonstrating the potential benefits of ubiquinol supplementation, backed by ‘live’ consumer feedback.  

“These findings present an exciting new opportunity for brands to offer new solutions for women experiencing the menopause. Now, we look forward to collaborating with our partners to empower women throughout all stages of life.” comments Filip Van hulle, general manager of Kaneka Nutrients Europe.




1   Kaneka Ubiquinol consumer research study, Expansion Consulteam, 2024 


3   Ibid.

4    Shifren J, Gass M. The North American menopause society recommendations for clinical care of midlife women. Menopause.          21(10):1038-1062. (2014) doi:10.1097/gme.0000000000000319

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