PLT launches novel ingredient for cognitive performances

Published: 1-Mar-2023

Users of Nutricog demonstrated significant improvements compared to placebo across multiple cognitive domains, including learning and memory

PLT Health Solutions is launching a novel ingredient to support a broad range of cognitive performance abilities. 

Called Nutricog Cognitive Performance Complex, it is a patented combination of Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) and Boswellia (Boswellia serrata) — standardised to gallic acid, ellagic acid and amyrins. In a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial, users of Nutricog demonstrated significant improvements compared to placebo across multiple cognitive domains, including learning, memory, sustained attention, working memory and executive function, where increases in cognitive speed were seen concurrently with improvements in accuracy while multitasking. 

The earliest clinically significant benefits (memory and focus) for Nutricog were shown to start at just 15 days after commencing use. PLT is introducing Nutricog at Natural Products Expo West in March and at Vitafoods Europe in May.

In a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial, users of Nutricog demonstrated significant improvements compared to placebo across multiple cognitive domains, including learning, memory, sustained attention, working memory and executive function, where increases in cognitive speed were seen concurrently with improvements in accuracy while multitasking. The earliest clinically significant benefits (memory and focus) for Nutricog were shown to start at just 15 days .

According to Seth Flowerman, President & CEO of PLT Health Solutions, the new ingredient was developed in response to consumer interest in maximising cognitive support as a quality-of-life issue. "Today, we are seeing rapidly increasing interest in cognitive support for a broad range of lifestyle goals. Consumers are actively seeking everything from enhanced focus to reduced stress, improved mood, faster learning, effective memory, better adaptability and enhanced multitasking. At PLT, we're very excited to be introducing Nutricog to the market after more than five years in development. We are very proud of the strength of our clinical data to support messaging related to these consumer needs," he said. "Nutricog also checks many boxes consumers want in an ingredient today. It's completely novel and botanical. It's experiential, with significant benefits occurring within fifteen days. It's effective at a relatively low dose, making compliance easier, and it is sustainably grown and manufactured," he added.

Studies demonstrate broad-ranging cognitive support

A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial assessed Nutricog for its ability to impact learning and memory, including attention, working memory, and decision-making. 100 healthy male and female subjects, aged 40-65 years, were provided 120 days of daily Nutricog or placebo and assessed for performance improvements on the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT) and the Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery (CANTAB), both well-established and validated tools used to evaluate learning, memory, and other aspects of cognitive performance. Other measures included the Athens Insomnia Scale and biomarker testing for Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF).

Improved verbal and visual episodic memory

Memory effects were assessed using RAVLT and CANTAB. Immediate Recall is a test of Short-Term Memory, which includes information for immediate use – like remembering a telephone number long enough to dial it. Delayed Recall is a test of Episodic Memory (part of Long-Term Memory), which is the memory of everyday events. Recognition Memory is a specific type of Episodic Memory that utilises familiarity to make connections in fractions of a second. Users of Nutricog showed a 1.4x improvement in Immediate Recall, a 2.3x improvement in Delayed Recall and a 2.1x improvement in Recognition over baseline for the 120-day study. Subjects taking Nutricog also had improvements in Visual Episodic Memory in CANTAB testing.

Faster, better learning

Learning was also assessed using RAVLT. Total Learning Score reflects the ability to learn with repeated exposure. Learning rate reflects the speed and effectiveness of acquiring new information. In the study, users of Nutricog showed a 1.6x improvement in Total Learning and a 2.7x improvement in Learning Rate over baseline for the 120-day study.

Enhanced focus, attention and concentration

Proactive Interference (PAI) refers to the reduction in memory performance for recently acquired information as a result of prior learning of related materials and has been shown to play an important role in forgetting. It reflects performance related to Working Memory and Attentional Focus. Trial subjects using Nutricog began to show improvement in Proactive Interference scores starting at fifteen days from commencement and had a full 11.5x improvement over baseline at 120 days. Results from CANTAB testing further indicated improvements in Attention and Working Memory.

Thinking faster and more accurately

The speed-accuracy trade-off describes the tendency for improvements in cognitive performance in Speed to be offset by reductions in Accuracy and, similarly, improvements in Accuracy to be achieved with reductions in Speed. In several of the CANTAB tests performed, subjects showed significantly improved Speed of Performance without a reduction in Accuracy. This effect was particularly evident on tests of non-verbal, visual memory and multitasking.

According to Jennifer Murphy, MS, RD, Director of Innovation & Clinical Development for PLT Health Solutions, the broad range of benefits seen with the Nutricog clinical trial suggests a wide range of products into which it can be formulated. "With Nutricog, we see products for improved memory or faster learning as natural landing spots because of the impressive benefits it offers in these areas. At the same time, improvements in overall cognitive performance combined with significant increases in peripheral BDNF suggest Nutricog may offer support for positive structural changes in the brain, and Nutricog represents a new ingredient on the cognitive health landscape that can stand alone as a hero ingredient and attract consumers," she said. "The power of these clinical results is not just that Nutricog showed significance in such a broad array of areas, but that the amount of change versus placebo that was demonstrated.”

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