Kerry teams up with APC Microbiome to harness the power of the gut-brain axis

Published: 8-Aug-2024

Kerry's agreement with the research organisation will look into the connection between the microbiome and cognition, while aiming to develop novel nutraceutical products from the findings

Kerry, a specialist in functional foods, has partnered with APC Microbiome to explore how diet can support cognition and brain health.

APC Microbiome has more than 20 years of research expertise focused around the gut microbiome, and has been studying how it interacts with the body to improve health and wellbeing. 

The research collaboration between Kerry and APC will look into how nutraceutical providers can best harness the functional benefits of the micro-organisms living in our guts, while also assisting the pair in developing novel solutions focused on modulating the gut-brain axis.

The pair are looking to address issues relating to cognition and mental health, including stress, anxiety and mood. 

From this agreement, the organisations will be able to develop science-backed formulations for gut-supporting nutraceuticals, while also better understanding how the gut microbiome can influence cognition and brain health.

It wil also allow APC to bring its findings to the masses, allowing the company to commercialise the findings that are currently being made in the lab. 

Kerry's existing nutraceutical portfolio includes a range of clinically validated, branded ingredients for the food, beverage and dietary supplement industries, which have been designed to support:

  • Digestive health
  • Immune health
  • Cognitive health
  • Women's health
  • Infant health

Dr Mimmi Lundahl, a senior scientist at Kerry, commented: "This collaboration is a positive step towards the development of new science-centric consumer products and health technologies. Through this partnership, we can leverage APC's expertise in cognition and the microbiome to develop the best ingredients for consumer health." 




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