Driving the K2 Conversation: A Pillar of MenaQ7 Support

Published: 29-May-2019

Step 1: Confirm an ingredient is safe and effective. (Should go without saying, but…).
Step 2: Communicate those facts to create a more informed public.

NattoPharma has worked tirelessly to confirm the bone and heart health benefits of MenaQ7 Vitamin K2 as MK-7 for all ages. The company’s commitment to clinical validation is matched only by its emphasis on bringing those benefits to the attentions of practitioners and consumers.

NattoPharma's unwavering commitment to education and outreach has yielded impressive results, making Vitamin K2 part of the media vernacular. Most importantly, this outreach increases the demand for its partners’ quality products.

Taking the UK By Storm

This year NattoPharma is engaged in a major year-long UK consumer outreach campaign. With a strong online focus, the program utilizes bloggers and influencers to highlight the importance of Vitamin K2 for bone and heart health to their followers.

In line with NattoPharma’s previous efforts, the UK program emphasizes the importance of seeking out products that feature MenaQ7® Vitamin K2 as MK-7, the only K2 clinically validated to provide true health benefits.

To that end, a centerpiece of the program is NattoPharma's finished-product partners. Not only are samples of their products being sent directly to influencers, but those products are also highlighted specifically in mailers to major consumer media that coincide with events throughout the year, such as Heart Health Month, Nutrition Week, World Health Day, etc.

Just four months into the program and, according to NattoPharma, its success is exceeding expectation.

"Influencers have shared comments about and pictures of MenaQ7 products with their followers – reaching tens of thousands of consumers," says Kate Quackenbush, NattoPharma Director of Communications. "Meanwhile, interest is intensifying from the media for more information and direct quotes from our experts for their coverage.

"Increasing consumer awareness increases consumer demand," she continues. "We can sell all the K2 in the world, but if our partners aren't selling their finished products, nobody is receiving a benefit. It really is such a core part of our company that we support our partners – it’s not just delivering kilos and saying, 'Good luck.'"

NattoPharma is eager to discuss how MenaQ7 can help manufacturers provide best-in-class products and how the right partnership can turn into valuable sales.

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