Bilberry extract demonstrates anti-ageing benefits in a novel study

Published: 18-Jul-2024

SEPITONE, the bilberry extract from Seppic, can reduce wrinkle depth by 14%, while also improving skin firmness and elasticity by 13%

Seppic, a functional ingredients provider, has released the results of a novel clinical study on its nutricosmetic SEPITONE, suggesting that the fermented bilberry extract can offer anti-ageing benefits.

This revelation comes after the research determining SEPITONE’s benefits in improving skin complexion.

Determining the benefits of SEPITONE

The randomised, placebo-controlled study involved a panel of women aged between 35 and 65 who all had visible signs of ageing and an ‘uneven’ skin tone. 

During the three month trial period, women were either given 100mg per day of SEPITONE or a placebo, and were asked to complete a self-assessment questionnaire detailing their experience with the extract and how their skin had changed in the investigatory period.


The anti-ageing properties of bilberry 

Positive effects on the skin were seen at one month into the study, and in less than three months, supplementation with the bilberry extract impacted a number of factors associated with complexion and anti-ageing:

  • A decrease in wrinkle depth by 14%
  • Skin firmness and elasticity increased by 13%
  • The skin’s antioxidant capacity increased by 19%
  • A reduction in hyperpigmentation 
  • An increase in skin luminosity

The self-assessment questionnaire that participants completed post-trial revealed that 91% of participants experienced an improvement in skin firmness, while 97% reported a more even complexion after consuming SEPITONE.

These results suggest the functional ingredient’s benefits in enhancing skin health and complexion, while also presenting anti-ageing benefits.

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