Vitamin E3 tocotrienols exhibit brain-boosting benefits in recent study

Published: 23-Aug-2024

Exposure of hippocampal cells to vitamin E3 tocotrienols upregulated the signalling pathways associated with neuronal growth, while also promoting neuronal cell division

A recent in vitro study has found that supplementing with vitamin E3 tocotrienols could enhance learning, focus and cognition.

The trial, published in The Journal of Functional Foods, looked into how vitamin E3 could impact the signalling pathways of neuronal cells associated with normal cognition, and how it may be able to impact everyday functioning of the brain.

The results revealed that vitamin E3 tocotrienols can promote neuronal growth through the enhancement of cell division.

This was also seen through the upregulation of key proteins associated with neuronal growth, such as Cyclin D1 and E1. 

As well as promoting neuronal growth, vitamin E3 was found to active signalling pathways associated with neuronal generation, including the BDNF/TrkB pathway. 

This pathway also plays a role in synaptic regulation, meaning that the vitamin could have the potential to elicit a homeostatic effect on the nervous system.

Tocotrienols also activated the MAPK/ERK and PI3K/Akt pathways, which are, again, involved in the growth and functioning of neuronal cells

Further, vitamin E3 could enhance synaptic responses by increasing the phosphorylation status of proteins such as CaMKII and GluA1 — which are both essential for learning and memory. 

You can read about the study further HERE.

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