Sustainable packaging solutions from Pont

Published: 5-Oct-2018

The European glass and plastic packaging specialist provides solutions across the food and beverage sectors

European glass and plastic packaging specialist Pont has long been focused on delivering the most sustainable solution for brands across the food and beverage sectors.

Pont only offers packaging that is made from fully recyclable materials such as glass, PET, and PE-HD/PE-BD - and has done for many years.

Pont's latest addition to its sustainable packaging portfolio is recycle PET and bio-based HDPE – offering all the advantages of reliable food and beverage packaging without the environmental impact that brands and consumers are increasingly keen to avoid.

Ulric Lonfils, European Marketing Manager, explained: “We take the environmental challenge that im-pacts on us all very seriously. Pont is dedicated to minimising the impact of packaging for future generations through smart optimisation of our production processes. Our bio-based HDPE is strong, flexible and totally reliable – it's the perfect new member of the Pont portfolio.”

This sustainability focus is not just hot air. Pont is a passionate advocate of the 5 RE RULE - RE-Cycle / RE-Use / RE-Duce / RE-Design / RE-New – defined to ensure that waste is minimised, recycling is maximised and creativity is encouraged.

Lonfils added: ”We live by the 5 RE RULE - and we encourage our customers to do the same. It's why we are striding forward with purpose with our use of bio-based HDPE and rPET. We have found that the packaging sector has embraced many of these plant-based materials as they offer biodegradable, bio-compostable and smart recycling solutions. The packaging is comparable to oil-based versions - yet the environmental impact is anything but.”

To find out more, download the following brochure.

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