SPMs: signalling a new era in immune health

Published: 3-Sep-2024

With more and more people embarking on a personal pursuit of enduring wellness, dietary supplementation has well and truly become an important part of our daily lives. As reliance on nutraceuticals grows, so too does demand for powerful proven ingredients that deliver tangible and targeted health benefits

A groundbreaking category of bioactive compounds, specialised proresolving mediators (SPMs), shows promise in fulfilling this need by redefining how the industry approaches one of the most pervasive health challenges of our time — inflammation.

Here, Sonia Moreno, CMO at Solutex, delves a little deeper into the science behind SPMs and the pioneering products leading the next wave of immunity related nutraceuticals.

The science behind SPMs

Inflammation is a crucial immune response that helps to heal injuries and combat infections; but, when inflammation persists without resolution, it disrupts the body’s healthy state.

Unresolved inflammation can lead to potential long-term health dangers such as cardiovascular diseases, neurological disorders and metabolic conditions.1

Traditional treatments, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), typically focus on halting the initial inflammatory response. However, they often fail to address the essential phase of resolving the inflammation; and, by blocking the initial response, they also impede the resolution phase.

By merely blocking the inflammatory process without addressing underlying damage or clearing cellular debris, NSAIDs can trigger immunosuppression, subsequently weakening the body’s ability to fight infections and other diseases in the long-term.

SPMs: signalling a new era in immune health

In contrast, SPMs take a more holistic approach. Derived mostly from the omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), SPMs are produced endogenously by enzymatic processes and act as stop signals in the inflammatory response with distinct roles (clearing inflammatory cells from tissues and supporting tissue repair, among others).

SPMs actively guide the body toward naturally resolving inflammation, thereby promoting healing and restoring function. This proactive mechanism makes SPMs a uniquely effective tool to manage inflammation-related health issues while enhancing overall immune health.

In nutraceutical development, SPMs are especially valuable as they not only help to prevent excessive inflammation but also bolster the body’s natural capacity to repair and recover.

An ocean of opportunity 

The immune support category is substantial and growing. The global immune health nutraceuticals market is expected to reach a value of $144.61 billion by 2030, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.4%.2

This surge is largely driven by increasing consumer interest in proactive health management and the development of products that enhance immune function. SPMs, with their unique mode of action and strong scientific backing, are well-positioned to capture a significant share of this market.

We are already seeing SPMs being used in nutraceutical products to support various aspects of health, particularly in active nutrition, joint health, immune balance and women’s health.

And with a growing bank of evidence demonstrating their efficacy, SPMs look set to meet the rising tide of demand for inflammation-focused products. 

Several studies show that supplementation with SPMs can elevate their levels in the blood; this increase has been linked to significant benefits, including reduced pain and improved quality of life in individuals suffering from joint disorders or chronic inflammation.3,4 

What’s more, the consumer shift towards more natural health solutions provides a fertile ground for SPM-containing products as they offer a gentle yet powerful way to manage inflammation, promote recovery and improve immune health. All without the side-effects associated with traditional anti-inflammatories.

Moving forward, both the challenges and opportunities will lie in effectively communicating the science behind SPMs to consumers who may not be familiar with these compounds.

However, companies that invest in consumer education about the benefits of SPMs and deliver a quality product are likely to see a strong return on investment — with their consumers receiving the variety of health benefits from SPMs’ unique mode of action. 

Companies looking to take advantage of these opportunities by integrating SPMs into existing product lines, or developing new SPM-focused products, will need to carefully consider several factors; but, as market-leaders in SPMs, Solutex can help their partners to pioneer new and novel supplement formulations.

A case study in SPM-based innovation

As industry trailblazers in highly concentrated omega-3 solutions, Solutex took a significant step forward in bringing SPMs to the nutraceutical market with the launch of LIPINOVA.

An advanced patented ingredient uniquely concentrated in SPMs with proven efficacy, LIPINOVA is specifically engineered to enhance the body’s natural ability to resolve inflammation.

SPMs: signalling a new era in immune health

The ingredient contains optimal levels of SPMs, such as 18-HEPE, 17-HDHA and 14-HDHA, which are derived from omega-3 rich oils using sophisticated fractionation and purification processes.

SPMs are usually active at relatively low concentrations; but, with LIPINOVA being a clinically proven formulation, our partners can create products that achieve the therapeutic effects with greater dosage flexibility.

LIPINOVA acts by reactivating the SPM biosynthesis pathway and replenishing depleted SPM levels in the body. This mechanism allows it to effectively resolve inflammation without hindering the normal immune response, resulting in reduced inflammatory pain and enhanced tissue regeneration.

The development of SPM-based ingredients such as LIPINOVA offers nutraceutical companies a unique opportunity to differentiate their offerings in a crowded market.

Consumers are increasingly seeking effective products that go beyond basic nutrition to address specific health concerns and SPMs provide a scientifically validated approach to doing just that. 

Looking to the horizon 

As the understanding of inflammation and its resolution continues to evolve, SPMs are poised to play a central role in the next generation of immune-related nutraceuticals.

Their unique ability to calm the storm of inflammation and guide it to safe resolution offers a strong course to navigate the management of conditions tied to inflammation.

For nutraceutical companies, the integration of SPMs into their product portfolios presents a compelling chance to lead the industry in innovation and meet the growing consumer demand for advanced, science-backed health solutions.

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Products containing LIPINOVA exemplify the potential of SPMs … but they are just the beginning.

As research progresses and the benefits of SPMs become more widely recognised, these mediators are likely to become a mainstay of the nutraceutical sector, heralding a new era in inflammation management and overall immunity support.


  1. N. Chiang and C.N. Serhan, “Specialized Pro-Resolving Mediator Network: An Update on Production and Actions,” Essays Biochem. 64(3), 443–462 (2020).
  2. www.polarismarketresearch.com/industry-analysis/immune-health-supplements-market.
  3. N. Callan, et al., “Early Evidence of Efficacy for Orally Administered SPM-Enriched Marine Lipid Fraction on Quality of Life and Pain in a Sample of Adults with Chronic Pain,” J. Transl. Med. 18, 401 (2020).
  4. I. Möller, et al., “Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study to Evaluate the Effect of Treatment with an SPMs-Enriched Oil on Chronic Pain and Inflammation, Functionality, and Quality of Life in Patients with Symptomatic Knee Osteoarthritis: GAUDI Study,” J. Transl. Med. 21, 423 (2023).

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