RB to help Evolve get breast milk probiotic into hospitals

Published: 10-Dec-2019

Evivo is an infant-specific strain of bacteria that works synergistically with human breast milk to create a protective environment in the infant gut

RB (Reckitt Benckiser Group) and Evolve Biosystems have joined forces to expands the reach and adoption of Evolve’s flagship probiotic Evivo across the US, especially into hospitals. Using expertise from both companies the aims is to increases awareness of the supplement among health practitioners.

Evivo (activated Bifidobacterium longum subsp. infantis (B. infantis) EVC001) is an infant-specific strain of bacteria that works synergistically with human breast milk to create a protective environment in the infant gut. Proven to reduce gut pH, the supplement suppresses the growth of pathogenic bacteria and has been designated a Food for Special Dietary Use.

RB is a global health and hygiene company with significant reach in the healthcare sector. This knowledge base will be useful for Evivo, which is specially designed for use in hospitals, due to its quality of manufacturing and liquid format.

The partnership leverages assets and expertise from both companies to drive scale in messaging directly to consumers and health care practitioners nationwide, expanding the reach and adoption of Evivo across the US.

"We have now seen first-hand the benefits of using Evivo in our patients over the past year and a half," says neonatologist Dr Brian Scottoline, Associate Professor of Pediatrics at Oregon Health & Science University School of Medicine and OHSU Doernbecher Children's Hospital. "This partnership will allow significantly more infants across the country to have access to this product and the potential for improved health outcomes."

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