Green Bioactives names Nutra Bridge as its North American distribution partner for GBL-Memory

Published: 19-Sep-2024

The nutraceutical combination features a blend of L-theanine and fructooligosaccharides to assist users in maintaining their cognitive health

Green Bioactives has partnered with the nutraceutical market development specialist Nutra Bridge to promote and distribute GBL-Memory1 across North America.

Following the functional ingredient's successful launch in Europe, Green Bioactives aims to expand the global reach of the nutraceutical.

The initiative will target three key North American markets: Canada, the US and Mexico. 

Nutra Bridge will utilise its network and expertise in nutraceuticals to identify and engage with brands across North America who are looking to develop brain health and cognition-focused supplements and functional foods. 

GBL-Memoryis a nutraceutical formulation containing fructooligosaccharides and L-theanine — both of which are plant-derived.

The patented combination has already been subject to a study, finding that it could improve total memory by up to 10.1% with a month of supplementation.

Scott Steil, President of Nutra Bridge, commented: "As the demand for cognitive health products continues to grow, we are proud to collaborate with Green Bioactives to bring GBL-Memory1 to brands across North America," 

"With its unique combination of L-theanine and FOS, alongside a published peer reviewed study, GBL-Memory 1 offers a solution that aligns with consumer preferences for effective, plant-based products."

The partnership aims to capitalise on the increasing consumer demand of cognitive health products and the expanding market for natural and functional ingredients in North America. Together, Green Bioactives and Nutra Bridge will work to partner with brands in the region that are poised to incorporate GBL-Memory¹ into their product offerings, delivering compelling new choices to the market.

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