Aker’s new technology paves the way for the next generation of Superba krill

Published: 4-Apr-2016

Company’s latest technology will provide more innovation for the krill oil market

Aker BioMarine has unveiled a new technology called Flexitech. This patented technology, exclusive to the company, will enable it to continually expand its product line, bringing more innovation to the krill oil market.

More specifically, this processing flexibility allows Aker BioMarine to up-concentrate krill oil’s various beneficial components (such as phospholipids and omega-3s), as well as remove the salts in krill oil, which can lead to off odours and taste.

Flexitech does not involve any form of high temperature treatment such as molecular distillation. Furthermore, it does not involve the use of other solvents besides ethanol and water. Flexitech relies solely on low temperature and efficient fractionation methods, which remove unwanted salts and other polar constituents.

The first new product to result from this technology is Superba 2, the next generation of Superba Krill Oil. Superba 2 features enhanced encapsulation properties such as improved smell, taste and visual appearance. And like all Superba products, Superba 2 is certified 100% sustainable and traceable, and produced through a vertically integrated supply chain that is 100% owned and controlled by Aker BioMarine.

This new technology and products wouldn’t be possible without Aker BioMarine’s new commercially operational facility in Houston, Texas. This 180,000 square foot NSF GMP facility is where the company will now produce Superba 2, along with future Superba innovations.

More than triple the size of the next largest krill oil supplier, this new facility also allows all Aker BioMarine products manufactured at this site to be 'Made in the USA.' And the best part is that the company’s control over its supply chain gives it full accountability for its products — from catch to capsule.

'Consumers often look for what’s new, different and most beneficial when it comes to products, especially in the health and wellness space, and we are excited to bring them Flexitech and Superba 2,' said Matts Johansen, CEO, Aker BioMarine. 'As a leader in the krill oil market, we need to continue moving forward by pushing the boundaries and stepping outside of the box. Our new facility and technology will allow us to continually innovate to produce new products like Superba 2. This is just the beginning of a new era for omega-3s and krill.'

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