Dr Frederick Khachik, a renowned carotenoid scientist, joined the Kemin human nutrition and health division. The driving force for Khachiks’ reunion with Kemin is the company’s focus on exploring the health benefits of dietary carotenoids in maintaining and promoting health.
Kemin and Dr Khachik collaborated in 1994 on the commercialisation of FloraGLO Lutein, the most clinically researched lutein brand. The product is used worldwide as an ingredient in multivitamins, eye formulas, skincare products, foods and beverages.
'Investing in a top-tier research team is critical to achieve our vision of improving the quality of life by touching half of the people of the world with our products and services,' said Anita Norian, president of the human nutrition and health division of Kemin. 'Fred brings the experience and expertise to further build on our FloraGLO Lutein platform.'
'I have been researching carotenoids for the past 32 years. I cannot think of a greater opportunity to continue my contributions to this field, in a scientifically rich environment, with state-of-the-art facilities and a strong carotenoid research group,' said Khachik. 'A scientist can only dream of this situation.'
Dr Khachik has 12 patents and has written 64 peer-reviewed publications and 18 book chapters. Since 1990, he has also delivered more than 100 lectures on carotenoids at national and international conferences, including 36 invited and plenary lectures. Throughout his career, Dr Khachik has received several awards, scholarships and memberships in professional societies.
Dr Khachik received his PhD in organic chemistry from the University of Manchester, Institute of Science and Technology. He carried out postdoctoral research in the area of photochemistry at the University of Maryland where he continued to teach and conduct research until joining Kemin in 2015.