PhytoGaia attains trademark approval for four of its palm phytonutrient ingredients

Published: 23-Oct-2024

The company's range of palm nutraceuticals are now protected by the USPTO under trademarking status

PhytoGaia has officially obtained approval notification from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

This covers four trademarks, including: 

  • TocoGaia ®
  • STGaia ®  
  • CaroGaia ®
  • TocoGaia ULTRA ®  

This milestone marks a pivotal moment the company'scommitment to delivering high-quality, innovative products to its customers.

The trademark registrations not only reinforce the distinctiveness of PhytoGaia's brands, but also enhance the protection of the company's intellectual property.

According to PhytoGaia, TocoGaia, STGaia, CaroGaia, and TocoGaia ULTRA are integral to its mission to provide premium sustainably-sourced palm phytonutrients to the nutraceutical market; supporting health and well-being in the process.

VP of PhytoGaia, Bryan See, commented: “Our commitment to brand recognition vis a vis research, quality and innovation has been validated through this process,”

“With these trademarks, we can assure our customers and partners that our products are protected and represent the highest standards of excellence in the market”

For more information about PhytoGaia and our products, please visit

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