Consumers looking to improve their sleep quality, survey reveals

Published: 21-Oct-2024

The survey highlights the need for effective nutraceuticals targeting women's sleep health

A consumer survey performed by sleep supplement specialist Natrol has found that many women are struggling to sleep well.

The company's Sleep Spiral Survey found that 45% of women aged between 40 to 60 who participated in the survey were losing more than two hours of sleep a night.

Shockingly, 10% reported losing four or more hours of sleep a night — which could be of considerable detriment to their overall wellbeing.

A significant contributor to this loss of sleep was attributed to difficulties falling alseep (72% of participants) or trouble staying asleep throughout the night (87%).


Getting to the root of the problem

Since Natrol established that there's a general issue with sleep health amongst older women, the dietary supplement provider wanted to look into why this was occurring. 

From the results of the study, the company concluded that real-life pressures were generally the root cause of sleepless nights.

Around half of the women surveyed reported their financing struggles as a thing keeping them up at night.

Natrol's Chief Marketing Officer, Rebekah Lyle, commented: "Getting restorative sleep can be difficult, and many women appear to struggle with overthinking before bed, which can lead to a spiral of bad sleeo that's hard to escape. As sleep experts, we wanted to better understand how often this happens, for how long, and the most common stressors that cause women to have spiraling thoughts that result in hours of lost sleep."

"We uncovered that one in four women are very often simply giving up trying to fall asleep at night because of spiraling thoughts, so it's apparent that many are struggling with significant sleep challenges that can impact their next day and the days ahead," added Lyle.

"The findings from the Sleep Spiral Survey highlight that women need effective strategies and solutions that can help them regain control of their sleep and overall well-being."

The results of this survey highlight the urgent need for sleep health solutions in the nutraceutical market.

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