Korean Health Supplements Association approves use of IFOS logo on Korean manufactured Omega-3 product packaging

Published: 13-Apr-2023

KHSA has given approval to FMW Corp for labelling and advertising using the IFOS (International Fish Oil Standards) logo

Nutrasource Pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical Services, a full-service contract research organisation (CRO) has announced that FMW Corp, a client of Certifications by Nutrasource has received approval for labelling and advertising using the IFOS (International Fish Oil Standards) logo.

This marks the first time in Korea for a Korean-manufactured supplement product to use third-party IFOS (trademarked) labels without either importing ingredients or manufacturing outside of Korea.

This approval illustrates the level of quality of the FMW products as well as the importance of transparency and third-party testing to the Korean marketplace

- Kevin Yan, VP of Certifications and Analytics at Nutrasource

“Nutrasource is extremely proud to achieve approval from the KHSA of the IFOS logo on product packaging for the first time in a Korean-manufactured supplement. This approval illustrates the level of quality of the FMW products as well as the importance of transparency and third-party testing to the Korean marketplace,” said Kevin Yan, VP of Certifications and Analytics at Nutrasource. “We are happy to continue to serve the Korean market by ensuring that its consumers have access to knowledge of the high-quality products available to them.”

Historically, approvals of this kind have been given by KHSA on a case-by-case basis, and all products both manufactured in and imported to Korea, must have submitted applications to KHSA for third-party certifications use. KHSA is commissioned by KFDA (Korea Food & Drug Administration) to review applications, and this announcement affirms that both parties recognize this IFOS certification.

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