Bionov launches new corporate website
New website constitutes a gateway for all Bionov's partners, whether they are customers, distributors, agents or media
In an ongoing effort to improve the information about its range of active ingredients for customers and distributors, Bionov has launched a new corporate website, which is more aligned with the company’s leading position in superOxide dismutase (SOD) natural solutions.
This user-friendly site offers faster and easier access to critical information through interactive interfaces. The Bionov website is organised in different sections that allows visitors to learn more about Bionov's activity as the only producer of melon SOD B worldwide, as well as SOD B-based nutritional, cosmetic and feed solutions.
Bionov now offers a corporate website with more intuitive ergonomics and a modern design. It has a completely new technical architecture, based on the latest technology for a dynamic and evolving website. The new website is organised as follows:
- a corporate section, 'ABOUT US,' presents the company's core business, as well as its history, its commitments and values, its social and environmental policy, and its location
- a second section, 'OUR JOB,' reviews Bionov's expertise in melon cultivation, SOD process, quality controls, scientific commitment and personalised customer technical support
- a third section, 'SOD B,' details SOD B's uniqueness and efficiency, its protected bioactivity and its documented health benefits
- three final sections, 'NUTRITION,' 'COSMETICS' and 'FEED,' review the range of active ingredients, applications and services offered by Bionov in each corresponding market, as well as the method of action of SOD B for both nutritional and cosmetic applications.
In addition, major new features have been added to this website:
- a 'NEWS' interface provides the latest scientific and business innovation and developments conducted by Bionov
- a new tool, called 'FAQ' for 'Frequently Asked Questions,' provides answers to the most commonly asked questions posed by Bionov's customers and distributors, regarding SOD B and its specificities
- social media tools with a direct link to our LinkedIn, Google + and YouTube profile pages.
Bionov has built this new website to create an interactive interface, in which visitors can directly consult the documentation. Through newly developed features, visitors now have access to all Bionov's scientific publications and can download marketing and scientific leaflets. 'This new website does not replace the direct, responsive customer service that we've offered for more than a decade,' clarified Mr. Benoit Lemaire, Business and Marketing Director. 'But, our goal in launching this new website is to provide one more access point and online resource for companies and individuals to learn more about our active solutions,' he added.
Created with the user experience firmly in mind, this website has been designed to be compatible with today’s browsers and mobile devices. The new Bionov website is currently available in English; a French version will be available soon.