Grøntvedt Biotech launches ingredient brand CETO3

Published: 9-Feb-2023

“The immediate processing reduces the risk of oxidation, we’re only using a single species that’s not adversely affected by ocean pollutants"

Norwegian company Grøntvedt Biotech has launched its ingredient brand CETO3 for its cetoleic acid and omega-3 product.

Grøntvedt Biotech launches ingredient brand CETO3

“CETO3 will be our ingredient brand for our high Cetoleic acid product where we will build in all our clinical studies, marketing and novel production methods using immediate processing which secures the best sensory qualities,” said Henrik Traaholt (pictured), Chief Commercial Officer. “This brand can be used by our customers who launch our CETO3 product in their markets. They will then be able to utilise all the science and marketing material which Grøntvedt Biotech will produce.”

“The cetoleic acid, which is only found in North Atlantic pelagic fish species, makes this omega-3 oil unique. High value of cetoleic acid is known to boost the human body’s ability to convert ALA into EPA and DHA,” added Traaholt. “Having worked with Pelagic fish since 1830 and with full access to a sustainable marine source, we’re looking forward as a company to scaling-up production, and bringing this innovative product to the global market in both liquid and capsule forms.”

Traaholt continued: “The immediate processing reduces the risk of oxidation, we’re only using a single species that’s not adversely affected by ocean pollutants (herring swim neither near the surface nor the bottom of the sea) and have access to a cutting-edge, low carbon footprint plant.”

CETO3 is a registered trademark in Norway and is in registration process in EU, US and Asia.

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