Boosting multi-carotenoids intake may reduce the risk of obesity

Published: 31-Jan-2024

Multiple published studies have suggested that carotenoids are useful in reducing obesity risks

The escalating prevalence of obesity raises a critical public health concern due to its association with the development of various comorbidities. 

Obese individuals are more susceptible to metabolic alterations leading to condition such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease.

Moreover, obesity has been linked to depression, affecting both longevity and quality of life. 

According to predictions from researchers at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health (US), by the year 2030, nearly half of the global adult population is expected to be impacted by obesity.

Research studies suggest that alongside genetic and environmental factors, dietary nutritional factors are linked to obesity. 

Limited research has explored the connection between dietary multi carotenoids and obesity. In order to fill this gap, a team of Chinese researchers from Qingdao Central Hospital and Qingdao University, China, conducted an assessment to evaluate the association between the risk of adult obesity and the intake of total mixed carotenoids such as alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, beta-cryptoxanthin, lycopene and lutein+zeaxanthin.

This cross-sectional study, recently published in the Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology, was carried out based on the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2007-2018, involving a total of 25,868 adults aged 20 and above.

Information about carotenoid intake was collected through two 24-hour nutritional recall interviews. Daily total carotenoid intake, comprising the sum of five carotenoids per day, was the focus of the investigation. 

The results revealed that dietary intakes of total multi-carotenoids and lutein+zeaxanthin at 2400 ug/1000 kcal/d and 80 ug/1000 kcal/d, respectively, have a significant protective impact against obesity. 

A noteworthy reduction in the risk of obesity were observed with the consumption of 50 ug/1000 kcal/d of dietary beta-carotene and 17 ug/1000 kcal/d of beta-cryptoxanthin. 

Additionally, exceeding the threshold of 10 ug/1000kcal/d for alpha-carotene intake demonstrated a decrease in the risk of obesity. 

These findings indicated that consumption of a total multi carotenoids complex such as alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, beta-cryptoxanthin and lutein+zeaxanthin were inversely associated with the risk of obesity.

Similarly, other published research has indicated that the consumption of multi carotenoids aids in the management of obesity. In a cross-sectional study involving non-diabetic obese men and women, it was found that those with a higher intake of mixed carotenoids from fruits and vegetables exhibited elevated levels of adiponectin. 

This increase in adiponectin levels correlated with improved insulin sensitivity and a decrease in body weight.

Another comparable effect was observed in a six-month randomised, double-blind study conducted by Canas et al. in 2017. The study focused on obese children aged 8–11 years and found that supplementation with mixed carotenoids had notable benefits in the management of obesity and associated comorbidities. 

The researchers established a connection between reduction of body adiposity and increased concentration of beta-carotene. 

supplementation with mixed carotenoids had notable benefits in the management of obesity and associated comorbidities

Studies have indicated that elevated consumption of multi carotenoids or an increased concentration of these compounds in the body are associated with a reduced body fat content. 

This multi carotenoid complex exerts a direct influence on adipose tissue, effectively regulating adiposity and fat stores within the body.

The findings highlight the inverse association between total multi carotenoids such as alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, beta-cryptoxanthin, lutein+zeaxanthin and the risk of obesity. 

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