KD Pharma secures dsm-firmenich's MEG-3 fish oil business in strategic acquisition

Published: 19-Jul-2024

KD Pharma will gain all of the MEG-3's assets, including two production facilities and around 200 employees

dsm-firmenich, a functional ingredients company specialising in health and nutrition, has sold its fish oil business MEG-3 to KD Pharma. 

The contact development and manufacturing organisation is active in pharmaceutical and nutritional lipids, and has made this strategic acquisition to further bolster its presence in the market. 

As part of the transaction, dsm-firmenich will maintain a 29% stake of KD Pharma’s parent company, O3 Holding. 


Shifting focus

dsm, following its strategic portfolio review, has decided to pull back on certain aspects of its business — with MEG-3 being a key example of this. 

Although the company remains active in the nutritional lipids space, it is shifting its focus to algae-based omega-3s; though it will continue to offer MEG-3 fish its for the early life nutrition sector.

Through the transaction, KD Pharma will acquire not only the food and beverage, dietary supplement and pharma offshoots of the company, but also MEG-3’s two production facilities in Peru and Canada. 

Approximately 200 employees will transfer to KD Pharma from the acquisition, which will likely be completed towards the end of 2024. 


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