Tocotrienol for cardiovascular health: the superior vitamin E form

Published: 23-Jul-2024

Tocotrienol was significantly better at boosting heart health than tocopherol, improving antioxidant levels and reducing inflammatory biomarkers associated with cardiovascular disease

The National University of Medical Sciences in Pakistan has conducted a systematic review comparing two forms of vitamin E for the management of atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases (ASCVD), finding tocotrienol to be superior in managing the disease.1

Vitamin E for ASCVD

Atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases are a leading cause of death globally, affecting millions every year. 

The condition is commonly associated with elevated levels of cholesterols and triglycerides, and can affect any age group.

Vitamin E has long been implicated in heart health, though there are two subtypes: tocotrienol and tocopherol. Although structurally similar, tocotrienol is the ‘unsaturated’ form of vitamin E, with differing side chains to tocopherol.

This slight difference in structure can impact the vitamin’s activity in the body, so researchers wanted to determine which was best in boosting cardiovascular health and helping patients to manage ASCVD.

The researchers covered literature from 2022 to January 5, 2023 — including human clinical trials. Of 516 articles, 26 met the analysis criteria, and five underwent detailed analysis.


Tocotrienol enhanced antioxidant levels by 22%, while common inflammatory cytokines were reduced by 15–17%


Tocotrienol superior to tocopherol for heart health

The results of the review indicated that — compared to regular tocopherol — tocotrienol is significantly more potent in its ability to modulate cardiovascular health, owing to its superior antioxidant activity. It can also reduce cholesterol and serum inflammatory markers in users.

There is no reported risk of fatality when used to manage patients with ASCVD either. 

At a dose of 250mg per day, tocotrienol enhanced total antioxidant status levels by 22%, while common inflammatory cytokines were reduced by 15–17%.

It also appears that tocotrienol had modulate the expression of a number of microRNAs related to cardiovascular health.

Scientific Affairs Specialist at PhytoGaia, Dr Ariati Aris, commented: “Like Omega-3 DHA and EPA, which are superior to saturated fatty acids in promoting a healthy heart and mind, tocotrienols are more potent and superior for cardiovascular and brain health — particularly gamma-tocotrienol for heart health and alpha-tocotrienol for brain-protection,” 2,3

“The antioxidant activity of tocotrienol was also reported to be 40 to 60 times more potent than the regular vitamin E tocopherol,” 4

“The reported superior efficacy and safety of tocotrienol over tocopherol suggests that tocotrienol could play a pivotal role in managing and potentially reducing the global burden of cardiovascular disease. This breakthrough brings new hope for millions affected by these conditions”, added Dr. Ariati Aris.



1  Rafique, S. et al. Comparative efficacy of tocotrienol and tocopherol (vitamin E) on atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases in humans. J Pak Med Assoc. 2024 Jun;74(6):1124-1129.

2  Zaiden, N. et al. Gamma delta tocotrienols reduce hepatic triglyceride synthesis and VLDL secretion. J Atheroscler Thromb. 2010; 17:1019–1032.

3  Khanna, S. et al. Neuroprotective Properties of the Natural Vitamin E alpha Tocotrienol. Stroke, 2005, 36, e144-

4  Serbinova, E. et al. Free radical recycling and intramembrane mobility in the antioxidant properties of alpha-tocopherol and alpha-tocotrienol. Free Radic Biol Med, 1991. 10(5), 263-275.

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