Pharmalinea's Qspine ingredient cuts back pain by 51% in new study

Published: 20-Sep-2024

The company's proprietary ingredient, Qspine, was able to reduce back pain severity, while also increasing the mobility of trial participants

A study has highlighted the efficacy of PharmaLinea's >Your< Back Capsules in relieving symptoms of chronic back pain. 

The trial explored the effects of the active ingredient, Qspine, in 247 patients with chronic back pain  to see if supplementation with the nutraceutical could improve outcomes alongside physiotherapy.

In the study, supplementing with >Your< Back Capsules could reduce back pain by up to 51%,  while also enhancing the mobility of participants by 52%. 

Supplementation with Qspine could decrease pain in participants by 14% more than physiotherapy alone, suggesting the functional ingredient’s benefits in those suffering with the condition. 

Volunteers also exhibited a 17% improvement in their finger-to-floor distance — a clinical measure of mobility — after three months of supplementation.

The nutraceutical was also safe and well tolerated in study participants. 

Back pain is a significant issue

Up to 80% of people suffer from lower back pain at some point in their lifespan, meaning it’s the second most frequent reason for a person to visit a doctor — trumped only by the common cold.

Back pain is a complex issue and can be instigated and exacerbated by a range of factors, so getting to the root cause and treating it can be difficult.

Generally, patients are prescribed analgesics for back pain, which can come with nasty side effects and dependency issues.

Therefore, many are turning to natural solutions to combat their back pain. 

PharmaLinea’s Research Director, Maja  Orešnik, commented: “Lower back pain is the leading cause of disability worldwide. The affected typically seek analgesic drugs to alleviate their symptoms. However, for neuropathic pain, analgesics are often unable to provide the side effect-free relief that consumers need.”

“The robustness of the results from this study highlight the potential benefits that Qspine can have on those with chronic back pain, offering a natural alternative to current pain relief solutions in the pharmaceutical market.”


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