Plant-based omega-3 oil Vegaven proves 'superior' to a fish oil infusion in critically ill patients, study finds

Published: 8-Jan-2025

The ahiflower oil can better provide anti-inflammatory omega-3 derivatives to the liver than soybean, olive and fish oils, while also mitigating the effects of 'leaky gut' toxins associated with other lipid emulsions

A study conducted by Nature's Crops International has found that Vegaven, its Buglossoides arvensis seed oil, can benefit patients undergoing parenteral nutrition by enhancing the prevelance of anti-inflammatory omega-3 derivatives in the liver.

Notably, researchers found that the refined seed oil could achieve this better than traditional soybean, olive and fish oils, which are the commonly used lipid emulsions.

This study highlights the benefits of the plant-based oil in supporting vulnerable patients such as preterm infants, critically ill patients and those who have undergone surgery. 


Ahiflower oil proves effective in animal models

To determine the impact of the plant-based omega-3 oil compared with soybean, olive and fish oils (SMOFlipids), researchers gave 4–5 day old piglets a range of different lipid oil infusions for 14 days.

The main outcome they assessed was the concentration of hepatic interleukin-10 (IL-10), though organ weights, insulin signalling and the presence of pro-inflammatory cytokines were also measured. 

Phospholipid fractions in the plasma, liver and brain were looked into to see how treatment affected the distribution of fatty acids in these regions. 

After 14 days of infusion, the piglet given Vegaven maintained as much omega-3 DHA and omega-6 ARA in the brain as SMOFlipid, despite containing neither DHA or ARA.

This is notable as both these fatty acids are crucial in neonatal brain development. 


Preventing the ill effects of a 'leaky gut'

When administering parenteral nutrition, standard lipid emulsions such as SMOFlipids can increase a patient's risk of hyperglycaemia, blood infections and gut-liver inflammation.

This is because some forms have been linked to various toxins escaping from the intestine and into other regions of the body, which can result in brain inflammation and increased insulin resistance.

Since patients that are receiving parenteral nutrition infusions tend to be highly vulnerable, they are at a higher risk of experiencing serious complications.

However, infusion with ahiflower oil was proven to enhance insulin signalling in the liver — allowing patients to better maintain glucose homeostasis.

The omega-3 ingredient also acted as a great anti-inflammatory agent, helping to reduce the presence of inflammation in the brain and liver; this reduces the risk of damage caused by inflammation. 

In a recent piece of editorial published by the Journal of Nutrition, leading metabolism researcher Prof. Philip Calder wrote: “In general, this new study shows superiority of the Ahiflower oil-based emulsion over the fish oil containing emulsion... the findings suggest anti-
inflammatory, immune supporting, insulin sensitising and hepatoprotective effects of the Ahiflower oil emulsion relative to the comparator(s). These effects are all clinically relevant.”

“The findings of the two studies indicate superiority of the Ahiflower oil blend over pure soybean oil, pure fish oil and an oil blend that includes fish oil in these preclinical models. The superiority of the Ahiflower oil based emulsion over those containing fish oil is quite remarkable and requires explanation.”

In describing its wider role outside of PN applications, Prof Calder noted that “Ahiflower oil may be [a] “pro-EPA” alternative to fish oil for many uses, including in PN. Sources of alpha-linolenic acid and SDA can have similar physiological effects as EPA+DHA in adults
and alpha-linolenic acid (and SDA) is a precursor to bioactive lipid mediators, suggesting these fatty acids have their own inherent bioactivities and do not act solely as EPA precursors.”









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