The market is projected to reach USD 17.6 billion by 2027, recording a CAGR of 8.5%.3
The rising ageing populations have increased the demand for developing age-friendly food alternatives with enhanced nutritional value to support overall health, which has led to an increased demand for bone & joint health supplements. It’s not just about healthy-ageing but also about wanting to age-healthy. Millennials, who make up 1.8 billion of the globe’s population, apart from family, now value health the most. Preventive health is a priority, as such, supplements that support healthy bones and joints are trending through 2023 and beyond.
Curcumin exerts anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and pro-apoptotic effects on several biological systems. The ingredient may also reduce inflammatory cytokine and prostaglandin production by modifying COX-2 pathway signalling. The main factor restricting the use of curcumin as a therapeutic agent is poor oral absorption, but Pharmako’s Biotechnologies branded HydroCurc® combines curcumin and LipiSperse® technology designed to increase the bioavailability and functionality of lipophilic actives. A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial assessed the efficacy of HydroCurc® on morning joint pain over the course of two weeks. HydroCurc® was effective in reducing joint pain.4
Levagen® a branded Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) has a study on osteoarthritis where results showed dose-dependent improvements across all WOMAC sub-domains: Joint pain, stiffness, and function while improving quality of life and reducing anxiety. Another study with Levagen®+ on acute joint pain showed a significant reduction in joint pain scores after just three days of taking Levagen®+ and an overall improvement in quality of life.
Gencor offers exciting ingredients to formulate new innovative products and LipiSperse® significantly decreases the formulation hurdles offering endless creativity.
Download the product presentation HERE.
4. Briskey D, Roche G, Rao A. The Effect of a Dispersible Curcumin (HydroCurc®) Compared to a Placebo for Reducing Joint Pain in an Adult Population - A Randomised, Double-Blind Study. Complement Med Res. 2022;29(6):429-436. English. doi: 10.1159/000524689. Epub 2022 Apr 27. PMID: 35477159.