BLS’s RiaGev human clinical pilot study is published later than expected owing to unanticipated benefits

Published: 7-Jul-2022

“Nutrients” reviewers had many follow-up questions because of the remarkable findings

There was much celebration when results of a pilot study on Bioenergy Life Science’s RiaGev were finally published in a special edition of the prestigious journal, Nutrients. The publication was the culmination of months of back and forth between the researchers and the journal’s peer reviewers, mostly because of unusual and potentially remarkably beneficial results.

Just making it into Nutrients is a huge accomplishment. Scientific journals are graded according to an impact rating/immediacy index, based on the number of people who are presumed to see/read the paper either in the journal itself or within the constellation of free networks such as PubMed and ResearchGate.

While most journals are rated 3 or 4 on a scale of 1-10, Nutrients is rated 8.5. This speaks to the caliber of the RiaGev research and importance of the results.

RiaGev trial results show an increase in NAD, ATP and glutathione production as well as improvements in overall energy, sleep and insulin sensitivity

Multi-patented RiaGev is a proprietary combination of Bioenergy Ribose and nicotinamide that delivers unique cellular benefits which promote healthy ageing.

This unique patented formulation was evaluated on healthy, middle-aged adults in the 7-day, randomized, triple-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over pilot clinical trial. Results were published in the Nutrients Special Issue: “Vitamins: Physiological, Pathophysiological and Pharmacological Aspects.”

The researchers determined that 1520 mg of RiaGev twice daily

  • significantly increases NAD+ metabolome, including NAD+, NADP+ and NADPH, which are pivotal for human health
  • increases glutathione, the body’s master antioxidant, in serum
  • reduces levels of cortisol, the primary adrenal stress hormone
  • significantly reduces overall blood glucose without significant changes in insulin secretion, suggesting improved insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance.

The RiaGev group consistently scored greater improvements than the placebo on physical fatigue, mental concentration, motivation and physical activities, as assessed by the standard Checklist Individual Strength (CIS) questionnaire. Researchers’ logs (unpublished) also noted sleep improvements in the RiaGev group.

Other ingredients can’t do this, prompting reviewers to have many follow-up questions

“It took a while to get this trial published because the reviewers were astonished by the results and had so many follow-up questions,” comments BLS Director of Scientific Affairs Michael Crabtree, ND.

“Most precursors can’t make the claim that they increase NADPH and NADH, as RiaGev does. And while normally with an antioxidant enhancer, you’d see NADPH and glutathione in reverse proportions, we found RiaGev actually makes both go up simultaneously, which is a huge advantage.”

He adds: “We also weren’t prepared to see the blood glucose result. Bioenergy Ribose is known to lower blood glucose for a short time period. But we didn’t anticipate the smooth drop in glucose and insulin, which continued over a long time period."

“A big question from the reviewers was about the fact that in active adults, blood glucose will normally be very high after a carbohydrate meal. We didn’t find that in the RiaGev group. Instead, we found that RiaGev smooths the spike to some degree. More interesting: It did this without additional insulin.”

Crabtree observes that the sleep portion wasn’t a specific parameter for this study, but that the researchers’ observations make sense. “Ribose has a history of helping people sleep. Increasing NAD is associated with deeper, longer sleep. And if you sleep better, you feel better because that’s your body’s repair time.”

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