US FDA to ban use of brominated vegetable oil in food

Published: 4-Jul-2024

The FDA clamps down on BVO due to long-term exposure-related toxicity concerns

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has revoked its approval for the use of brominated vegetable oil (BVO) in food and drink, which it deems ‘no longer safe for consumption’.


Toxicity concerns associated with BVO

The regulatory body has come to this conclusion due to a number of studies highlighting brominated vegetable oil’s potential toxicity in high concentrations. This is due to the gradual buildup of bromine in the thyroid. 

The ingredient had previously had its Generally Recognised as Safe (GRAS) status revoked in the 1970s, and since then, has been monitored by the organisation — meaning food and beverage manufacturers using it would have to declare its presence on the ingredients and stringently manage the volumes present in their products. 

Previously, it has been used in citrus fizzy drinks to maintain consistency in flavour distribution, though it is reported that a majority of beverage manufacturers in the US do not currently use brominated vegetable oil.

The rule will come into effect on August 2, 2024, from which companies will have one year to reformulate their products containing brominated vegetable oil.


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