Omega-3 supplementation could minimise acne symptoms and improve quality of life, study reveals

Published: 10-Jul-2024

Adherence to a Mediterranean diet with additional omega-3 supplementation can significantly improve the appearance of inflammatory and non-inflammatory lesions associated with acne

A novel study by the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität has uncovered the impact of omega-3 supplementation in combination with a Mediterranean diet on diminishing acne symptoms and improving quality of life. 

The study

For 16 weeks, 60 participants with acne who have not been exposed to prescription medication were told to adhere to a Mediterranean diet, while being supplemented with 600 mg of DHA/300 mg EPA for weeks 1–8 and 800 mg of DHA/400 mg EPA for weeks 8–16.

Blood EPA and DHA levels were measured four times during the period and acne factors such as facial sebum values and lesion severity were observed.

The results 

Interestingly, 98.3% of participants had insufficient levels of EPA/DHA at the beginning of the study period.

From the continual supplementation of omega-3s and an adherence to the Mediterranean diet, researchers found that there was a significant improvements in inflammatory and non-inflammatory lesions associated with acne.

Participants also reported an enhancement in their quality of life, which was especially present for those with acne papulopustulosa. 

Modulating the diet to fortify the effects of medication

From this result, it can be observed that an enhanced level of omega-3 brought about by both the Mediterranean diet and supplemental support can significantly impact the severity of debilitating acne symptoms.

Dr Anne Guertler of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität and author of this study, commented: "Although prescription medications are mandatory for the treatment of acne vulgaris, especially in severe clinical presentations to avoid unnecessary prolongation of suffering and long-term sequelae of scarring, the potential of lifestyle interventions should not be neglected."

"As dietary recommendations aren't contradictory to conventional medicine, they can work alongside a modern treatment to improve symptoms in patients." 

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