Probiotic effective in children at preventing and treating diarrhoea, study shows

Published: 12-Jul-2024

The probiotic designed for better gut health has been proven efficacious and safe in children between 1 to 10 in preventing and accelerating the recovery of acute diarrhoea

Sabinsa, a nutraceutical ingredients developer and supplier, has conducted a clinical study on its heat-stable probiotic LactoSpore, finding that the functional ingredient could accelerate the recovery of children with acute diarrhoea significantly.


The study 

The probiotic, which contains the Bacillus coagulans strain, was tested in a randomised, placebo-controlled study, evaluating the effects of 400 million spores of B. coagulans plus oral hydration solutions and zinc, versus placebo.

The study involved 110 children between the ages of 1 and 10, and all of them had acute diarrhoea that they did not go to hospital for.

The results 

For the children who received LactoSpore — along with rehydration solutions and zinc — the rate of recovery from diarrhoea was significantly faster.

There was also a notable reduction in the frequency of diarrhoea in children who received the probiotic, and the perceived efficacy score and dehydration status of the participants improved as well.

There were no adverse events caused by the probiotic during the study period.

Sabinsa’s Global CEO and Managing Director, Shaheen Majeed, commented: “All age groups need beneficial bacteria in their gut, and kids especially, so it’s important to add to the range of clinical research for common childhood conditions. This clinical proves improvement in efficacy by the inclusion of LactoSpore with the standard treatment of care of oral hydration solution and zinc.”

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