New labelling rules on curcumin extract use in Italy

Published: 5-Sep-2019

Supplement makers are now required to label curcuma-containing preparations with warnings that apply to those with liver conditions

Supplement makers in Italy are now required to label curcuma-containing preparations with warnings that apply to those with liver conditions.

Issued by Italy's Ministry of Health, the decree "Integratori alimentari contenenti estratti e preparati di piante del genere Curcuma" of 26 July 2019 states: “In the event of alterations of liver function, biliary or calculosis of the biliary tract, the use of the product is not recommended," adding that “if you are taking other pharmaceutical treatments, it is appropriate to seek the advice of a physician”.

The deadline to comply with the new rules is 31 December 2019.

Individual susceptibility

The latest update adds to a list of botanicals included in the laws about the use of herbal substances and preparations in food supplements that formed part of the Ministerial Decree of 10 August 2018.

The new rules build on current scientific evidence that came to light from the Dietetic and Nutrition Section of the Technical Committee on 24 July 2019, which lead to Italy’s National Institute of Health to conclude that the hepatitis cases linked to the consumption of curcumin-containing supplements was due to "individual susceptibility" or "pre-existing alterations".

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