Ingredia creates Proferrin natural bioactive for immunity-boosting products

Published: 21-Apr-2020

The company presents its dairy-based bioactive ingredient

Proferrin is Ingredia’s native and pure lactoferrin, an iron binding glycoprotein, naturally occurring in milk and human secretions, such as saliva and tears. It is well known that Lactoferrin boosts the immune system thanks to its anti-microbial and anti-viral properties.

Proferrin is a native lactoferrin that comes from fresh cow’s milk at Ingredia’s French dairy cooperative. Thanks to its expertise in separation techniques, Ingredia ensures Proferrin is one of the purest on the market, with lactoferrin making up more than 95% of the total proteins. A gentle drying process enables the preservation of the powerful bioactivity of Proferrin.

Proferrin's effect on health is supported by several in-vitro studies monitored by Ingredia’s R&D team:

  • Anti-microbial properties: Proferrin reduces pathogenic bacterial colonies and inhibits formation of dental plaque (first steps in caries’ formation).
  • An essential support to gut health: Proferrin helps to renew epithelial cells (growth and differentiation), an important barrier against infections.
  • Impact on the immune response: Proferrin has an anti-inflammatory effect–it reduces the release of TNF (Tumor Necrosis Factor), a pro-inflammatory marker.

Immunity ingredients

Consumers take dietary supplements mainly immunity to strengthen their immune defenses and fight infections, particularly seasonal infections such as flu or cold. Consumers look for efficient ingredients, meaning immunity ingredients must be quick and visibly effective to the consumer.

Ubanisation and global travel enables diseases to spread faster and with increased frequency. Consumers are aware of their health and invest more into self-care and prevention. For these reasons, dietary supplements for immune health are successful and new products continue to be launched regularly. In 2017, worldwide sales of Immunity products within the dietary supplements market reach 6 billion USD with an annual growth rate reaching up to 6% (2016/2017). The immune segment in dietary supplements is one of the fastest growing areas.

Proferrin is used in dietary supplements, infant formulas and functional foods, even pet care products that follow the humanisation trend and tend to use the same ingredients as food supplements.

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