Farlong Pharmaceutical receives two GRAS recognitions

Published: 8-Jul-2019

The two general health extracts are grown in China by the US company as soil conditions there enable optimum growth

Farlong Pharmaceutical has received Generally Recognised As Safe (GRAS) self-affirmation status for its ingredients Lifeflower Breviscapine and Ginseng Plus Panax Notoginseng extract.

Lifeflower Breviscapine

Lifeflower Breviscapine is an active flavonoid component extracted from Erigeron Breviscapus and contains more than 90% of scutellarin. Scutellarin has been shown to enhance memory, cognitive function and brain health; increase brain circulation; and promote the development of new blood vessels.

A series of safety studies were conducted, and the expert panel committee concluded that Lifeflower breviscapine manufactured consistent with cGMP (Current Good Manufacturing Practice) is GRAS based on scientific procedures for use as an ingredient in yogurt, nutritional bars, smoothies at 84 mg per serving, and dietary supplements at 200 mg per person per day.

Ginseng Plus Panax Notoginseng

Ginseng Plus Panax Notoginseng extract is extracted from Panax Notoginseng roots, contains more than 75% of total saponins, such as notoginsenoside R1, ginsenoside Rg1, Ginsenoside Re, Ginsenoside Rb1 and Ginsenoside Rd.

Notoginseng saponins have been shown to enhance heart and brain health, maintain normal cholesterol levels, improve physical performance and stamina, help reduce fatigue, promote radiant skin, and increase heart and brain circulation.

Scientific studies led the expert panel committee to conclude that Ginseng Plus Panax Notoginseng extract manufactured consistent with cGMP is GRAS based on scientific procedures for use as an ingredient in sports beverage, yoghurt, nutritional bars, smoothies, chocolates and dietary supplements at 200 mg per person per day.

Optimising growth

For more than 20 years, the plant-based ingredient and supplement company

has created products using natural and herbal ingredients to promote a healthy and natural life, focusing on top quality ingredients and ancient Chinese roots.

Farlong produces formulas from seed to shelf, beginning at their 6,000-acre GAP farm located in Yunnan Province, where the soil acidity, sunlight, temperature, rainfall, pressure and altitude enable Erigeron Breviscapus and Panax Notoginseng to yield the most optimal active components.

The geographical area of the farm’s location is known for harvesting specific medicinal Chinese herbs, proven to benefit the health and improvement for a variety of health conditions.

Farlong combines traditional processing methods with advanced techniques, ensuring that all decoction ingredients are transferred to full-spectrum concentrated ingredients while achieving greater levels of stability and effectiveness.

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